I am not a typical mainstream girl; though I am still in touch with my feminine side. I like nail varnish, make-up, girly clothes etc. But I can live without them. I don’t mind going out into the public without any make-up on; which is huge problem for many other girls. I do understand them (or ‘you‘ if you are one of them, not judging though..) to some extent. I don’t think it is their own fault. I think it mainly is advertising companies fault. The advertising companies now a day have really crossed the line in my opinion. Girls who are just a little bit more round around the belly and hip area or have spots in the face, gets forced into believing that they are fat and unhealthy and overall not pretty. Let me show you an example to make sure everyone is up to speed.
Take a good long
look at this picture and decide which girl is the most beautiful one. Btw. I high
jacked this picture from a magazine.. I definitely think it is Blake Lively (the
girl on the left) who is the prettiest one. I know this has been up in the
media quite a few times, that curves are prettier than bones. I just wanted to
show my agreement on this.
Photoshop is
also a huge part of this problem, but in this technological world we are living
in, there is no way of getting rid of this problem. If we really did get rid of
this huge problem(which in my opinion will not happen), what will then be the
next big thing?
In my opinion companies
are doing way too much for the economic achievements. Is it really okay that
advertising companies are playing with girls self-confident and self-criticism?